Sahara sets another record
Sahara “Best In Specialty Champion Set’r Ridge’s Everlasting Master Hunter” breaks a new record as the first Show type English Setter to place in the English Setter National Field Trial Championship.
The National English Setter Field Championship was April 23rd and 24th 2008. Many top winning Field English Setter Champions were there competing for the title, including the 2005 National Field Champion. Sahara stood solid on her four birds and covered the grounds well and finished strong in the 45 minute stake.
Sahara has won awards at the ESAA Show National winning BOS. She has won BOS at Westminster and Eukanuba as well as many group placements.
Sahara’s kids have been doing well in the ring.
Austin "Set'r Ridge's Ever After" (Sahara x Fitz) won two more majors this weekend to give her four majors and 13 points. Aust is owned by Melissa D Newman.
Zakara “BISS Ch Set’r Ridge Sahara Gold” (Sahara x Fitz) won the English Setter Club of Phoenix specialty, and a few weeks later picked up a group placement. She now has five beautiful puppies. Zakara is owned by Melissa Newman and Nancy Alexander.
Michael “Ch Set’r Ridge’s Ever More” (Sahara x Fitz) finished his Championship in five weekends of shows including winning three majors, one Best of Breed and Winners Dog and Best of Winners at the ESCP Specialty. Michael is owned by Charlotte Roberts.
Our Hadji daughter has been doing well also:
Pantera “Set’r Ridge’s Solid Gold Dream (Hadji x True) won:
Best of Opposite in Sweeps at the ESAA Garden Specialty under breeder judge Judy Mates.
Best In Sweeps at the English Setter Club of Phoenix Specialty both shows under breeder judges: Col Robert Stevens and David Mates. She also won winners bitch for a major at the Phoenix Specialty under breeder judge Frances Stevens.
Next Pantera was shown at the Gold Country English Setter Club, and Monteray Bay ESC Specialties where she won the sweepstakes. Pantera is owned by Melissa Newman and Kathy Rodriguez.
Chetley, Set’r Ridge’s Exclusively Gold (Emanuel x Neena) Won Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best Bred By Exhibitor at the Gold Country English Setter Club, from the bred by class at ten months of age. This was Chetley’s first dog show. The second time Chetley was shown he won Winners Dog at the Monteray Bay ESC under breeder judge Anthony Disiena. Chet is owned by Nancy Alexander and Melissa D Newman
Eli, Set'r Ridge's Winchester Elite (Sarge x Tango)
Show wins: 12/28/07 BOW, 1/6/08 on a specialty weekend BOW 4pts, 1/26 BOW, 1/27 WD Best Puppy and Sporting Puppy Group 2, All from the puppy class. 6/6 BOW, 8/3 BOW for a 4 point major on another supported entry weekend.
Rally wins: 5/9 first leg and first place, 7/11 MBESC Specialty second leg and first place.
Hunt Test: 2/9 GCESF first leg JH, 2/10 second leg, 4/20 third Junior Hunter pass.
Field Trials: Three puppy placements and three derby placements.
Elite is owned by Terry Barnes.
Peyton, Set’r Ridge’s Devil Wears Prada (Darius x Prism) won Winners bitch at the Gold Country ESC Specialty for a major. Then she went on to win Best of Winners at Monteray Bay’s Specialty to finish her Championship. Peyton is owned by Vanessa Maynard.
Brydon/now Hobbs, Set’r Ridge’s Gold Signature (Emanuel x Sheba) won winners dog at Carmel the weekend of the Monteray Bay ESC specialty to finish his Championship, owner handled by Valerie Simi.
Katrina, Windance’s In Triplicate (Holmes x Latifa) won two specialty Best puppy’s, and Winners bitch and Best of Winners at Monteray Bay’s afternoon Specialty. Katrina is owned by Kathy Rodriguez, Julie Brimble, and Melissa D Newman.
Cruz, Ch Set’r Ridge’s Sky’s The Limit (Emanuel x Tango) finished going winners dog at the Brandywine Specialty. Cruz is owned by Virginia Radonis, Jennifer Radonis, Suzanne Montgomery and Pam .
We have some beautiful puppies now out of Jeremy and Hanna. They were born June 2nd. Jeremy is a frozen semen puppy out of Hadji and True. Hanna is a Zion Dani Daughter. Zion and Hadji are both Field Trial Champions and excellent hunting dogs as well as top winning show dogs and top producers. For information and photos email setterridge@englishsetter.com or call 360-661-1142. You can view their photos at www.englishsetter.com and then click on puppies available. They are pointing beautifully.
We are trying to raise funds to help our good friends and English Setter breeders in Canada, Hilary and Les Oakes. Les was injured in a tractor accident and has third degree burns over 50% of his body. They have incured many expenses due to his injury. We Praise the Lord that he is still alive. Donations for Les can be sent to Pay pal at the lesoaksfund@aol.com or they can be mailed to Les Oakes C/0 7009 S Heggenes Rd Clinton WA 98236. Make checks payable to Les Oakes.
For more info about our dogs and puppies go to www.englishsetter.com
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