Setter Ridge Kennels . 7009 Heggenes Road . Clinton, WA 98236 . (360) 661-1142 setterridge@englishsetter.com

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Corrected December 2004 Newsletter


Amazingly I have lots to write, but no time to tabulate wins and sit down and write a newsletter. Each season seems to be just as busy as the next. Paul, Hunter and I ran dogs in our English Setter Club Field Trial the first week in October. It proved to be more than eventful. One week before the National I ran Sahara in the Open Gun Dog Stake. She ran well and held her birds great, however the burrs were so bad that she came in covered from head to toe. They were tiny little burrs and there were thousands upon thousands of them in her coat everywhere. Her ears were stuck together on top of her head. She looked like she had no coat as it was all matted to her skin.
Unfortunately I couldn’t deal with her coat immediately as it was our club putting on the trial, so we had to be on the grounds to help. So I put Sahara in the camper. Hunter decided that he wanted to stay there too. I told him to promise not to let Sahara out while we were gone. He promised. A while later Paul and I arrived back at the camper. Hunter flung the door open with a big grin on his face and said, ”Mom, guess what?” “I groomed Sahara for you.” With that my heart just sunk to my shoes. I was too scared to look. Paul walked in and said, “you are not going to like what you see.” I really didn’t want to see. Hunter had found his little blue plastic comb and proceeded to pull the burrs and stickers and hair out of Sahara. (Hunter is 5). There was five fist full of hair on the floor. He didn’t hurt her at all, just pulled the burrs out and the hair came with them. I wanted to cry. Hunter started to cry, because he realized that he shouldn’t have groomed her.
I put her in the bath and bathed her and then started to comb. It took two to three hours to comb her out. She lost half of her chest hair and most of her ear hair. One week before the National. I guess you pay for running your dog in the Field. That wasn’t the end of our eventful weekend. The next day, Paul and Hunter were riding Paul’s horse and his horse fell on Paul. I heard him yell help and all that I could think was that Hunter was hurt. Trena and I went racing over to them to find Hunter ok, but Paul’s horse was laying on Paul’s leg. Paul couldn’t get out and his horse wasn’t getting up. Trena and I tried to pull him off, but we couldn’t and the saddle was connected to Paul. So we undid the cinch and took all of the gear off of the horse and then pulled him off of Paul. It was so scary. Paul’s leg was sore for several days. Both Paul and the horse are fine.
Four days later, we left for the English Setter National. It was an eventful trip. Lots of rain. The National was moved indoors on the second day. Sahara held her own winning the first Award of Merit from the Field Trial Bitch Class. Tango won the Futurity, and both of the Sweepstakes, and the Bred By bitch class at all three Specialties. Tessa, our liver bitch placed in several of her classes, as did her brother Maverick , who is liver as well. Domino, Latifa, Micah placed as well. It was great seeing old friends and people that you care about. As well as wonderful dogs.
Four days after the National, I flew to California for a Field Trial. Sahara ran well and stood broke (solid) on all of her birds. She ran in three more trials the next three weekends. She placed in several including two seconds. One second she obtained in a Open Gun Dog stake. There were twenty four dogs in the stake. It takes twenty five to earn one point for second. So she didn’t get the point. The other stake that she got a second in, she earned one point for second, as it was an Amateur Gun Dog stake and a major. The Field Trials start again in January. Sahara will be running at all of the Spring trials.


Sahara- Set’r Ridge’s Everlasting (Ben x Chloe) won the first award of Merit at the National, from the Field Trial bitch class. As well as Award of Merits at both Specialties.

Tango – Set’r Ridge’s Photo Gold (Zion x Teakoa) won the Futurity and both Sweepstakes at the two other specialties. She also won the bred by class all three days.

Cody- Ch Set’r Ridge’s Amazing Grace (Emanuel x Dani) Dakota won Reserve winners dog at the 2004 National. Then he won winners dog at the following Specialty Gold Country ESC for a five point major to finish his Championship. He also won Best Of Opposite in the Sweepstakes at the two supporting Specialties. Handler Kathy Gracen. At the second Specialty he was handled by Jessica Harris. Paula Harris.

Shallom- Ch Set’r Ridge’s Spectacular (Canaan x Annie) won an Award of Merit as well at the National. He is also the number two English Setter Group and Best in Show points in the US right now. Billy Ellis

Dog Shows:

Trinity- Aerden’s Triple Blessing (Canaan x Meg) finished from the BBE class going BOW/BOB for a 4pt major. Laurie and Mary Engel

Joseph- Set’r Ridge’s Coat of Many Colors (Zion x Desi) won a major. Christy Lincoln Lloyd

Duncan...Legends Gift of Love (CH Set 'R Ridge Gold In Platinum x Ch Legends Lucille McGillicuddy) Owned by Mara and Glenn Powell (Ft Lauderdale, FL). From the 9-12 mos class Duncan was WD & BOW ( 3 pt major) at Atlanta KC and WD at Jacksonville KC for another point.

Bisque- Set'r Ridge's Bisque (CH Sire-Set'r Ridge's Solid Platinum - Dam-CH Set'r
Ridge's Animation) won Winner Bitch at a show recently. Richard Williams

Jayna -Set’r Ridge’s Deep Impression (Shoebe x Snowy) BOB for another point in Australia. Margaret East Anthea McFarland

Whidbey - Am S AF CAN Ch Set’r Ridge’s Born Free (Canaan x Remi) Victorian Gun Dog Club Inc : 10/30 Best of Breed Judge : Mrs. M. Kipp – USA English Setter of Victoria Specialty Show :10/31 Challenge Dog , Runner Up in Show and Best Opposite ###. Judge : Mr.G. Anderson - USASunbury Canine Club Inc. : 11/02 Challenge Dog , Runner Up in Breed. Judge : Mr D. Marcus – Canada Handled by Susan Allen.
Natalia Robinson

Aura- Set'r Ridge's Born to Win (Zion x Desi) - Best Intermediate in Group Sunbury Canine Club Inc. Handled by Susan Allen. Natalia Robinson Western Australia

Winston- Set'r Ridge's Flying Colours –(Joshua x Nadia) WD BOW for a four point major. Grant & Newman, handled by Jennifer Radonis (from 12 - 18)

Loretta- Creekscrossing Country Girl (Canaan X PD) was winners bitch and BOS at the San Luis Obispo K.C.show and next day was winners bitch, BW, and BOS for 2 points. was winners bitch and BOS at the Tucson K.C. show for 2 points. Loretta was also winners bitch each day at the 2 Canada Del Oro K.C. shows for 2 more points. Loretta is owned by Mary Ann Potts and Nancy Alexander

Rosey - Set’r Ridge’s Rosa’s First Prayer (Emanuelx Dani) participated at the Baltic Winner show in Riga, Latvia. Rosey was BOS. She also got a Latvian CAC for to become a Latvian Junior CH and a Baltic Junior Winner title.

Gabriel Set’r Ridge’s Face of an Angel (Emanuel x Dani) won winners dog at a recent show. Lily Luster

Arwen - Set’r Ridge Imladris Evenstar (Ch Set'r Ridge's Gold In Platinum X Set'r Ridge The Gospel Truth ) Won Winners Bitch and Best Puppy at the association of the Grand Montreal. Jean Fillion

Justin- Set’r Ridge’s Winning Fougre (Joshua x Mikayla) BOB and Best puppy in Group under Mrs. Been. Diane Martineau

Sera- Ch. Set'r Ridges Heir To The Throne (Darcy x Sheba) gained her Australian Championship in an impressive 6 shows in November. At her second time out she won an Allbreeds Best in Show and went Best of Breed at the English Setter Association of Victoria's (Australia) annual Championship show. Darren Bowey Jamey Hubbard
"Aemon" Am/Aust. Ch. Chebaco's Bridgewood Guard (Ch. Set'r Ridges Masterpiece x Ch. Esthetes Chebaco Can U Forgive Her) After winning his 11th Best in Show in September at Australia's largest dog show, the Melbourne Royal Show (equivalent to our Westminster with 4700 entries), "Aemon" has gone on to win another 6 best in shows taking his total to 17. He is Australia's #1 Sporting dog and currently #2 Allbreeds.Darren Bowey

Piper- (Set'r Ridge's Irresistible - Canaan x Dasara) win at Windham Kennel Club on 11/19 was a 3 points. earned 2 pts at the Eastern Dog Club on Sunday, Dec 5th in Boston under judge Terry Stacey going WB/BOW. Handler was Kristen Karboski. Wendy Abelman

Set’r Ridge’s Talk to me (Ben x Khorizma) at the International Show in Bastia Umbra Perugia in youngs and he got first excellent; judgment was really wonderful. Fabio Frallasi

Caleb- Set’r Ridge’s Show Off (Fitz x Natanya) won CAC, CACIB, BOS and the Finnish Winner`04 title at the International dog show ( Helsinki, Finland)
Anastasiya Bashkirova

We have updated our web site. There are new dogs listed under dogs for sale. Both adults and puppies are listed under dogs for sale. There are new photos of Samuel, Tucker, Danielle, Dove, Abendigo, all listed under dogs for sale. There are also new photos of Tessa, Darius and Mysti. Darius and Mysti are listed under show dogs stud dogs and bitches. Also there are new photos of the four Hadji puppies (Simion, Koda, Jalen and Justara) listed under up and coming. www.englishsetter.com If you have sent wins that should be in here, please re-email them to me. We have had many power outages this fall and I have lost much information. If you wrote me and I didn’t reply, please write again. May God Bless you as much as he has our family this Christmas season. We celebrate that God sent his son on Christmas day to save us. Merry Christmas, Melissa
Paul, Micah, Montana and Hunter

Setter Ridge Kennel
Paul & Melissa D Newman

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