Zion is now Dual Champion #12
Zion, Multi BISS Dual Ch Set'r Ridge's Real Gold JH
Once again God has blessed me indead. Zion won the Amateur Gun Dog Stake today to become the 12th Dual Champion in the history of our breed. Zion's father Hadji, Multi BIS BISS Dual Ch Can Ch Set'r Ridge's Solid Gold MH CDX HDX CGC was the eighth Dual Champion. That was in 1996. It is very difficult to finish a Dual. Zion is seven and a half years old and I started training him as an eight week old puppy. I have done all of the training with Zion and I put his first point on him in the Field. Trena Cardwell put his first Open Gun Dog major on him, and from there Terry Barnes has put the remainder of the points on Zion, including a second major from the Open Gun Dog Stake. Zion has four passes towards his Master Hunter Title and four points towards his Amateur Field Championship.
I can't thank Terry enough for all that she has done with Zion and Rachel for letting Zion sleep on her bed when he was at their house. This has been a dream come true. Zion has put in a lot of Air miles flying back and forth to trials. He flew down Friday and is on a flight home tonight, as Teakoa BIS Ch Set'r Ridge's Photo Copy is waiting for him. She is on day 13 of her heat cycle. This will be her first litter.
I am off to the airport. I have shed so many tears that I am exhausted. There are some new photos of Zion on our site, under show dogs. God Bless, Melissa
Setter Ridge Kennel
Melissa D Newman
7009 S Heggenes Rd
Clinton WA 98236
(360) 341-2878
(360) 341-3078 fax
May God Bless you as he has me!
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